Thursday 5 July 2007

new blog post!

My best bud Julia's got a new blog over at, so I figured I'd update this one a little more regularly... well, I'll update it at least one, i.e. now... then we can comment on each other's blogs, which would be quite the novel event. Of course this could thwart all conversation we have in RL, but I'll take that chance.

So, what's bin going down in AmyLand?

I am potentially at war with the UWA student guild. They want me to pay for a membership I never activated. I don't. When I clicked the box in my enrollment form at the start of the semester that said I would join the Guild, my understanding was that I wasn't actually a member until I filled in the form and paid the money. So when I changed my mind and decided not to join the Guild, I figured that was the end of the matter: I'm not a member, I don't pay the membership fee. Not so! Apparently, clicking that box has obligated me to Do Stuff. Okay, so I should have read the fine print. But be fair, folks. I'm just asking to retrospectively cancel my unactivated membership so I don't end up paying sixty bucks for, well, nothing. Hrrf. Stay tuned.

On to brighter, better days, I saw the Tales from Earthsea anime movie last night. I didn't know I liked anime! Wow! Great movie. Lots of malarkey about Life and Death. Lovely scenery. Beautiful music. Awesome.

Oooh! Hair shaving photos! Dijana gave me a cd with all the photos she took from my Fully Wicked Sick Hair Do. Ah, the memories. I've uploaded a few to my Flickr account. This is one of my favourites:

My mum was so brave.

And now for my non-regular report from YouTube. Latest, greatest find... Famous Five! Super! I love the FF books and I am surprisingly enheartened with the 1978 children's television series. I guess because it's just so cheesy. The tv version suits the books, the way the first tv version of HitchHiker's fitted the books.


Julia said...

You watch way too much youtube.

Julia said...

I just realized... you spelt "enrolment" the AMERICAN WAY!
We only have one "l"
and welcome to the world of anime
and why can't we edit our comments? >:

Amy said...

Yeah, I watch too much youtube. But then I hardly watch any 'real' tv, except M*A*S*H.

I didn't even think about how to spell 'enrollment'... enrolment. Anyway, those bums still think I owe them money. (Despite giving me my results. Huh?)