Wednesday 20 December 2006

Last night I dreamt...

...I went to Manderley again.

That's the first line of Rebecca, by Daphne Du Maurier. I saw the Hitchcock film recently. It was pretty good, once I got the hang of the 1940s cinematography. Not the black-and-white thing, that's fine. But it seemed to me to have been filmed much longer and more complete, and Hitchcock took the important bits and strung them together, like beads on a string.


We went to a Mandalay Beach on our roadtrip, named for the Norweigan ship wrecked there. Definitely want to go back. The sand shifts such that you can see various bits and pieces of the ship, and there's a (replica?) of the figurehead at the top of the steps leading down there. Pretty cool stuff.

...oh, and it's part of the Bibbulum Track. Of course. You can't go five ks along the south coast without running crossing the track somewhere. I'm gonna hike that track. You know. One day.

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