Saturday 16 December 2006

Where's Wally?

I took this photo of the scoreboard in the midst of the English excitement. It's all there: Kevin 'Da Man' Pietersen's 70, Harmison-and-Panesar ripping it up, England reaching a lousy double century, of which we were so, so proud.

Went to see my dear boys get butt-kicked at the WACA on Friday. Soigh. But it was funtimes. After lunch the guys were going for it like they had nothing to lose (which they hadn't). So after carefully and patiently reaching his half century, the Kevsta was thwacking the ball all over the ground, playing fiery stupid cricket, which was so awesome to watch. Out on 70. Considering the next highest run total was Strauss on 42, I'm mighty proud of Kev. Then everyone got right behind Harmison, if he hit the ball we cheered, if he didn't get hit by the ball, we cheered too. And Monty Panesar!!! who 'can not bat', well he was batting on Friday quite excellently.

And then! And then! The first ball of the second innings, out it comes from Hoggard's beautifully opposable-thumbed hand, down the pitch, up, up, up
Except it didn't happen in slow motion, it was really, really quick, and we're on our feet and screaming, we can't believe the magic, is this for real? Langer's gone! Huzzah!

It all went down hill from there and the next two hours or so were pure boredom, watching skilled batsmen play good cricket for the winning side. Boo! Hiss! What we want is the crappy bowlers playing scary awful cricket on the losing team, now that is fun to watch. I was surrounded by English fans and they were loving it. Commiserations, dudes.


Ash said...

I was at the cricket yesterday. I spent a lot of time eating and clapping when everyone else clapped. I'm not a big fan of cricket, but I did get up and yell when Australia bowled English people out. I got slightly sunburnt in spite of slathers of sunscreen early in the day. Carn Aussies!
What are you doing at uni? What uni? I'm at UWA doing Arts (Psych) in my third year next year.

Amy said...

Dude, you're in my psych course :) But if you don't recognise me, I guess that's cause I prefer to sit and sulk on my lonesome. Also I look a bit older than seven by now.

(Geez, talk about getting sunburnt!!!)